benbrown's pics αŽ’αŽ’αŽ’ follow
We got matching Gundams
My ebike is 6 years old now. I rode it around the other day and had a blast. I do need to take it in for some maintenance though - the front fender broke off and nearly caused me to wreck.
This TV HEAD piece was up near the coffee shop for a few days.
The Xbox Kinect has been restored to it’s former glory
Katie is on the roof, washing the solar panels
Heart shaped box
Katie posing by the river walk
Z posing with a cool pay phone
Desmond and I recreating a scene from Cloak & Dagger
Enjoying a pitcher of root beer!
A model of the Alamo inside the Alamo
Alex celebrating 40 with donuts and beer
Flavor Country
Pickle pizza!!
Where I belong, back behind the wheel of Crazy Taxi
Itsa me
This was a good stew
Oh no! Too many balloons!!
Armed and dangerous